Dear Friends,
Let us understand that a true Knowlege-Seeker won't be prevented by anything, even Science.
A true Knowkedge-Seeker would want to accept the challenge of understanding how things happen, however unbelievable, rather than blindly say"it can't happen!!". :)
may Knowledge Grow!! :)
By sharing this message to my friends, i start off to run through the post.
(this is not meant to hurt anyone in anyway. Cheers!!! )
I wept from the bottom of my heart. It was tears of ecstacy. I had never thought this beautiful Day, the Divine Thurdsay (29-OCT-09), would have come so quickly.
The LORD, my beautiful LORD, who leaves millions of us in BLISS finally made way to the temple stage for a discourse.
HIS entry was grand, amazing, and beyond words to explain.
The Vinayaka Sthothram that that was sung as a sign of welcoming our beloved Swami carried a Great Energy, and it went on to raise my awareness that the ENERGY is nearing me. :)
Drumbeats, Trumpets, and all the grand instruments used elated me that my HERO is making HIS Entry. Feel it to know what i am trying to convey. :)
Lots of crowd around HIM, i have not yet caught HIS Glimpse this evening, the crowd was running towards the dias with BABA among them. The Energy in me rose touched its pinnacle, and lo!! the LORD with HIS Divine Smile makes way. The beautiful saffron Robe was the first
Thing i noticed.
"victory to SAI" filled the air.
Bhajans that followed filled my heart, not with silence, but Peace, or something even purer!! Yes.. it was Ananda!! BLISS!! Even the minutest of doubts got cleared seeing the LORD.
I ART THOU" - said my soul!! YES, for once i am my Atma. :)
Tears of Joy flowed down strongly.
This is my Destination, i felt.MY mind thanked Revathi for giving me a vip-pass, which hence brought me so close to Swami.
Swami's Discourse followed. What an Orator, but obvious!! The LORDmade Geetha simple to our ears.
Earlier in the morning, I saw BABA at the same distance, but this time, BABA was there earlier, and clearly showed me signs that HE did see me enter. Each time i doubted, i got an acknowledgement. HE takes it as a challenge to solve my doubts, and convinces me comfortably. :)
I being a fool, how did i deserve HIS Great Darshan!!
My mind reeled back to my past.
How did i come here??
What pulled me here??
"Revathi gave me a vip-pass, n i came.."
How did Revathi know me?
"2 days before this, she became my friend through orkut, and since she too was in pune, hence i could take her help."
(Revathi never cared i was a stranger. Her family invited me to their home the previous day, so that we could leave together early in the morning, next day. BABA took care about my reaching her home with the most comfortable of ways, and with ZERO rupees travel!!)
OH!! How come u went to Pune?
"Avaya.. job!!"
Oh!! how the job??
"Campus recruitment from NIT Nagpur.. it is a huge story to explain
how BABA made my interview finish in 10 mins!!" :)
Accha!! How the NIT Nagpur??
"ohh!! that i put a chit in front of BABA(in a temple in Bangalore) to choose between NIT Nagpur, and RVCE, B'lore".
Great!! So had the chit been RVCE, Bangalore, ..??
" NOOOO!! how could i have met my Lord here in Hadshi Village, 50kms from Pune today. I once had a dream where BABA assured me that the chit was chosen according to HIS Wish and for my Welfare."
Oh,come-on, u could have met Swami somewhere else, right??
" NO CHANCE!! I was in Bangalore , from childhood. Yet, i could not go to HIS Ashram even once in Bangalore(where HE stays in Summers) and Puttaparthi(150kms from Bangalore). Why that, HE never allowed me to have Faith in HIM then! :(
Here i need to mention the greatest miracle for me. BABA came in my dreams 2 months back , when then, this Hadshi visit of His was never even known to anyone. In the Vision, HE makes me realise that i would first see HIM in a place similar to Hadshi, and the details were similar."
( I here wish to avoid a lengthy and detailed explanation.)
Now, back to Hadshi village. Swami finished HIS beautiful and punchy Discourse. A point HE made in between, made me whistle for HIM, which i wanted to from long. :)
Earlier He had materialised a Golden Ring for a devotee. I was lucky and fortunate enough to have witnessed that Miracle. :)
Then Bhagawan accepted Arathi, and made HIS Way back to HIS Residence. And similar to the entry, the exit was awesome.
The next day(friday) at office, i was restless.
"what was happening in Hadshi..?" - I wondered.
Another friend of mine, Shweta, gave me a gist of the day, which ended up making me restless to have missed HIM.
I felt bad i could not make it to Hadshi, as i was worried if that would leave a bad impression at office, that i bunk a lot!! :D
Thus, HE made me long for HIM that day.
This longing, which i got, HISWILLING, made me decide that i will make it to Mumbai for HIS Darshan there.
" OK, it is friday night now!! NExt evening, BABA is giving Darshan in Goregaon, in Mumbai. How do i go?? Where do i stay? "- puzzled my mind.
I called up Rohit Sahare and told him i am staying at his place for the weekend, without even asking if he is ok with it or not!! :D
Later, next morning, on reaching rohit's place did i understand, that my BABA will come to a Hall in Goregaon which is hardly a 10-minute walk from rohit's place. I didn't know Rohit stayed near Goregaon!!
This itself i felt to be an acknowledgement of the feeling that BABA indeed is doing it all for me.Next day, at Worli, in Jambooree Maidan, BABA gave another Darshan.
Here, the SevaDal did a great job by providing free biscuits, packaged water (all unlimited) to 50,000 people atleast!!
Such is the Magnet called GOD!! :)
The Mysore-Pak prasadam i had was the best in my life.(believe me!! :) )
My friends forced me to stay back for BABA's Darshan at Brabourne Stadium that evening. BABA made me to leave, as i had already booked my tickets for the evening. However, my College-mate Mohnish Chawda attended the function there. When he prayed for me, BABA showed a signal, and simultaneously i called him on his mobile. All at the same time!!
Non-believers will call it co-incidence!! LOL!! :D
Once this fool had no idea about BABA. But this one week, or the last 3 days, gave me the greatest fortune, for i had 3 Darshans of my LORD in different locations all in 3-4 days!!
Thus the Chit landed me here, in ecstasy!! or rather was it not my LORD, whose Mercy and Infinite Love brought me here!!